Seven Knights Idle Adventure receives a major update featuring two new heroes, Reginleif and Aquila, a new Coliseum minigame, an ongoing event, and expanded stages.
The highlight is undoubtedly the two new heroes. Reginleif, a Celestial Guardian, is a ranged hero who grants tense immunity to allies and provides an attack buff to other ranged units on critical hits. Her active skill inflicts debuffs, preventing enemy blocks. She's available through a limited-time summon event ending July 24th.
Aquila, a defense-type hero, uses a Concentrated Attack debuff on critically hit enemies, focusing allied attacks. She also possesses skills to reduce cooldowns and restore HP.
This update also introduces a new Coliseum minigame (available until July 24th) where players receive rewards based on their win count using randomly assigned hero teams. The ongoing "Month of 7K" event continues until July 31st, offering additional rewards.
Don't miss out on the rewards! Jump into Seven Knights Idle Adventure now. Alternatively, check out our lists of the top five new mobile games this week and the best mobile games of 2024 (so far) for more gaming options.